Campaign Closed

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Figure Skating Club, The University of Notre Dame
104 Supporters
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The Notre Dame Figure Skating Club is comprised of a group of dedicated figure skaters from Notre Dame and Saint Mary's who are brought together by our love of skating. As a team, we compete in various local competitions, and in particular at the Midwestern Synchronized Skating Sectional Championships every year. We also do performances and several of our members also coach skaters from the local South Bend area. We would love to have your support to keep doing what we love, so please donate and vote for us! Thank you so much!

Donations are applied to...

Donations will go toward allowing us to compete; this includes ice time, dresses, and competition registration. It will also allow us to keep holding events such as our annual clinic for prospective high school students, as well as for our ice show, in which our skaters perform alongside younger skaters from the local South Bend area. Donations will also go towards helping us travel to Wichita, Kansas next year for the Synchronized Skating Midwestern Sectional Championships. Your donations are so appreciated, thank you for helping us pursue our passion for skating!

Figure Skating Club, The University of Notre Dame

The Notre Dame Figure Skating Club is comprised of a group of dedicated figure skaters from Notre Dame and Saint Mary's who are brought together by our love of skating. As a team, we compete in various local competitions, and in particular at the Midwestern Synchronized Skating Sectional Championships every year. We also do performances and several of our members also coach skaters from the local South Bend area. We would love to have your support to keep doing what we love, so please donate and vote for us! Thank you so much!

Why are donations necessary?

As a club sport, we are allocated a small portion of money each year to help cover the cost of such an expensive sport, but each year it becomes more and more difficult to keep our program growing and expanding. Each season we must cover the cost of renting ice time at Compton Family Ice Arena, traveling, renting hotel rooms, purchasing dresses, and registering for competitions. Last season we even flew to Portland, Oregon in order to compete, and this year we flew to East Grand Forks, Minnesota. The Notre Dame Synchronized Skating Team has been quite successful, with four consecutive gold medals at the Midwestern Sectional Championships. It is very difficult to fund such an expensive program while attending college, but we have been doing everything we can to find ways to continue practicing, travelling, and competing. It is also greatly due to the help of generous supporters like you that our team has been able to grow and succeed for the last 20 years. We would be forever grateful for any assistance you could offer our club this season.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

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