Campaign Closed

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122 Supporters
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As brother Knights, we are a fraternity of aspiring Catholic gentlemen. Together, we grow in our faith and are a beacon of charity to those inside and outside of our community. The money raised from Notre Dame Day will be used to achieve our new aspiration: that every student will step foot in the Knights building at least once during their time at ND. We plan on accomplishing this through our lecture program, where we will invite faculty members and priests to come as a guest speaker in the Knights building. Unfortunately, we are unable to do this with the Knight's building's current state. However, with this money, we will be able to transform the Knight's building into a place where students, Knights and non-Knights, can come together to learn about what it means to be Catholic.

Donations are applied to...

During this exciting time, we have the unique opportunity to earn a portion of a $1 Million! Make a $10 gift on Notre Dame Day (April 23 – 24), and receive 5 votes to cast. The total number of votes we receive decides our percentage of the $1 Million. Please vote for us!

Knights of Columbus, Notre Dame Council, No. 1477

As brother Knights, we are a fraternity of aspiring Catholic gentlemen. Together we grow in our faith and are a beacon of charity to those inside and outside of our community. Out four pillars of Fraternity, Charity, Unity, and Patriotism form the foundation for growth in this brotherhood. We are excited to announce our participation in Notre Dame Day, when the global Notre Dame family will come together to celebrate what each of us loves most about the University!

Why are donations necessary?

The money raised from Notre Dame Day will be used to achieve our new aspiration: that every student will step foot in the Knights building at least once during their time at ND. We plan on accomplishing this through our lecture program, where we will invite faculty members and priests to come as a guest speaker in the Knights building. Unfortunately, we are unable to do this with the Knight's building's current state. However, with this money, we will be able to transform the Knight's building into a place where students, Knights and non-Knights, can come together to learn about what it means to be Catholic.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $ 10.00

  • - $ 10.00

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  • - $ 10.00

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  • - $ 10.00

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  • - $ 5.00

  • - $ 5.00

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  • - $ 5.00

  • - $ 10.00

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  • - $ 5.00

  • - $ 5.00

  • - $ 5.00

  • - $ 5.00

  • - $ 5.00

  • - $ 5.00

  • - $ 5.00