Campaign Closed

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Militia of the Immaculata
34 Supporters
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"To lead every individual with Mary to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus." As a worldwide organization, the Militia of the Immaculata's rich history and spiritual tradition nourishes Catholic life at Notre Dame. The Pontifical Council for the Laity honored the MI in 1997 by bestowing upon it the status of "international public association"—a status shared by only three other Catholic organizations at the time. Pope Saint John Paul II promoted the MI and stated, "membership in the Militia means complete dedication to the Kingdom of God and to the salvation of souls through Mary Immaculate." The NDMI is a community where members challenge each other to grow in their faith by attending events such as weekly meetings, talks, retreats, pilgrimages, movies, pizza parties, conducting service, evangelizing on campus, and consecrating themselves to Mary. The NDMI community enables members to serve the Church while developing lasting friendships within Notre Dame, St. Mary’s, and Holy Cross.

Donations are applied to...

We are exceedingly grateful for your contributions! They will be used for our many events throughout the year, some of which include: Marian consecrations, for which we purchase and distribute over 100+ copies of Fr. Michael Gaitley's book 33 Days to Morning Glory each semester; retreats open to undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty; major Catholic speakers, such as Bishop Rhoades and Scott Hahn; Rosaries, Miraculous Medals, and informational pamphlets which we distribute at the Grotto before football games; and much, much more!

Militia of the Immaculata

Thank you for visiting our ND Day page! The Notre Dame Militia of the Immaculata (NDMI) is the local chapter of the Militia of the Immaculata (MI), a worldwide movement within the Catholic Church founded by Saint Maximilian Kolbe in 1917. The main goal of the NDMI is to promote and enrich devotion to Mary in her identity as the Immaculate Conception while promoting the Catholic identity of the University of Notre Dame. Father Sorin wrote that he "dreamed of building a great university in honor of Our Lady,” and we continue his vision by honoring her and her special relationship to Christ. Please explore our page to learn more about how we hope to contribute to Catholic life and culture here at Notre Dame and beyond!

Why are donations necessary?

The Notre Dame Militia of the Immaculata is a Catholic student organization which has seen immeasurable growth over the past several years. We hope to continue to grow so that we can bring more and more people to Christ through Mary! Know that you will be in our prayers.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

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