Campaign Closed

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27 Supporters
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Notre Dame's female grads have a bond of shared, unique experiences. As one of our alumnae said in a recent article on NDWC, "ND women define success not just by how many rungs they can climb up the ladder, but also by how they realize their own potential and love their friends and family well." Let's support and inspire each other to live the most fulfilling lives possible.

Donations are applied to...

Your vote helps us keep Notre Dame women connected! ND Day funds help us present events like Cheering Her Name (a reception to welcome graduating women to the alumnae family) and Home Again (our annual reunion program for alumnae). These programs give current and future alumnae networking and fellowship opportunities, and also support local NDWC clubs across the country.

Notre Dame Women Connect

ND Women Connect provides Notre Dame alumnae the opportunity to connect by encouraging personal and professional relationships; nurture by fostering personal, spiritual, and professional growth; and give back by helping us make valuable contributions to Notre Dame, our communities, and to causes that inspire us.

Why are donations necessary?

ND Women Connect is run by an all-volunteer board of alumnae who believe ND women can and should uplift each other. Your support allows us to continue our mission for the next generation of alumnae.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

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  • - $ 100.00

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  • - $ 25.00

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  • - $ 20.00

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  • - $ 10.00