Campaign Closed

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Squash Club, Notre Dame
31 Supporters
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You have until midnight ET to help us raise as much as we can to fund the Notre Dame Squash Club. Just a $10 gift will give you 5 votes to allocate to club squash; a gift that will be enlarged several times over by the votes that you also give. Spread the word: encourage friends, family, colleagues, heck even total strangers to donate.

Donations are applied to...

During this exciting time, we have the unique opportunity to earn a portion of a $1 Million! Make a $10 gift on Notre Dame Day (April 23 – 24), and receive 5 votes to cast. The total number of votes we receive decides our percentage of the $1 Million. Please vote for us!

Squash Club, Notre Dame

Squash is one of the world's fastest growing games. It is also truly international with many players and tournaments in the US, Western Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australasia. For Notre Dame not to have a squash team would be a travesty! More pertinently for us at ND, it makes a fantastic winter sport as it is played inside. Whatever the weather, it provides a great way to keep in shape and participate in a competitive but social environment. The squash club needs donations to keep this club going at ND. Help us in any way that you can.

Why are donations necessary?

Notre Dame has only limited resources to fund club sports. The squash club particularly needs these funds as there is so little squash played in the Midwest. Therefore, we travel occasionally to the coasts in search of competition. Sadly, this does not come cheaply, so the money and votes that you give will help us compete. Notre Dame has a proud sporting heritage: make sure that our squash team maintains this heritage.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $10.0

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  • - $50.0

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  • - $50.0

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  • - $10.0