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A semester-long academic program open to students in all majors who want to improve their Portuguese skills and knowledge of Brazilian culture. This program is of particular interest to students in Brazilian studies, Latin American studies, poverty studies, race relations, sociology, and anthropology. It is offered in conjunction with CIEE and begins with a four-week Intensive Language and Culture Program (ILCP). During the ILCP, students are required to take an intensive Portuguese language class. Students who are near-native speakers of Spanish may be placed in a Portuguese for Spanish Speakers course (offered based on enrollment). For the remainder of the semester, students enroll in a Portuguese language with CIEE and may also choose to enroll in one or two core courses offered through CIEE. Students directly enroll at UCSal or UFBA for their remaining courses. Students must complete a minimum of two semesters of college-level Portuguese to be eligible for this program.

Donations are applied to...

During this exciting time, we have the unique opportunity to earn a portion of a $1 Million! Make a $10 gift on Notre Dame Day (April 24 – 25), and receive 5 votes to cast. The total number of votes we receive decides our percentage of the $1 Million. Please vote for us!

Study Abroad - Brazil: Salvador da Bahia

We are excited to announce our participation in Notre Dame Day, when the global Notre Dame family will come together to celebrate what each of us loves most about the University.

Why are donations necessary?

To provide more Notre Dame students with more life-changing study abroad experiences.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $ 10.00