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A program designed as a year-long program ideal for juniors in the humanities with advanced fluency in French (a spring-semester option is available). Our host college within Paris Diderot, the U.F.R. Lettres, Arts et Cinema (LAC), offers a broad variety of courses in French language, linguistics, and literature, as well as art history and film studies from an excellent group of teacher-scholars. Students who take a full load of upper- level courses at the LAC should be able to complete at least 40 percent of their credits toward a major or supplementary major in French during their year abroad. Advanced students in the humanities enroll directly in courses with French students at one of the youngest and most dynamic universities in Paris. Students live in the dormitories at the campus of the Cité Internationale Universitaire Paris. Inaugurated in 2007, the Paris Diderot campus is located on the banks of the Seine near the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in the bustling, modern 13th arrondissenment of southeastern Paris, a neighborhood with a distinct identity: in the 1980s, ethnic Chinese refugees from the former French colony of French Indochina (modern-day Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos) settled there. Cantonese, Vietnamese, and Khmer are spoken by many residents in the community.

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During this exciting time, we have the unique opportunity to earn a portion of a $1 Million! Make a $10 gift on Notre Dame Day (April 24 – 25), and receive 5 votes to cast. The total number of votes we receive decides our percentage of the $1 Million. Please vote for us!

Study Abroad - France: Paris-Diderot

We are excited to announce our participation in Notre Dame Day, when the global Notre Dame family will come together to celebrate what each of us loves most about the University.

Why are donations necessary?

To provide more Notre Dame students with more life-changing study abroad experiences.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!