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Senegal is one of the most stable democratic states in Africa, yet it remains culturally diverse. Its rich history was shaped by its African heritage and by French colonialism. Rich in historical and cultural significance, it is also a center of trade and culture for French West Africa. The Council on International Education Exchange (CIEE) Study Center coordinates this Study Abroad program. It is located in the Amitié III neighborhood near restaurants, shops, cultural centers and the largest public university in Senegal. Participants take classes with other CIEE students in a building that shares facilities with L'Institut Supérieur de Droit de Dakar (ISDD), a branch of the Université de Perpignan Via Domitia in France. Students have access to the library, computer labs, and other facilities and socializing space with a mostly Senegalese student body.

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During this exciting time, we have the unique opportunity to earn a portion of a $1 Million! Make a $10 gift on Notre Dame Day (April 24 – 25), and receive 5 votes to cast. The total number of votes we receive decides our percentage of the $1 Million. Please vote for us!

Study Abroad - Senegal: Dakar

We are excited to announce our participation in Notre Dame Day, when the global Notre Dame family will come together to celebrate what each of us loves most about the University.

Why are donations necessary?

To provide more Notre Dame students with more life-changing study abroad experiences.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!