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Continue the Story: University Endowment

Many students need financial assistance to attend a private university. The availability of government-sponsored aid to these students is decreasing, while necessary costs are escalating. A well-funded endowment serves two main purposes: it sustains much needed financial assistance for students, and it provides support for faculty development. Join us in praying, advising, promoting and giving, as we work together to ensure that NNU will continue to serve the largest number of students possible with the highest quality instruction possible.

What will my donation be used for?

Gifts to the university endowment will increase the number of scholarships available to worthy future students. Another primary use is assisting faculty in sustaining the highest standards of teaching and in staying abreast of emerging methodologies and technologies.

University Endowment

A well-funded endowment serves two main purposes: it sustains much needed financial assistance for students, and it provides support for faculty development. Join us in praying, advising, promoting and giving, as we work together to ensure that NNU will continue to serve the largest number of students possible with the highest quality instruction possible.

Why are donations necessary?

Increasing scholarships is critically important to keep NNU accessible to the growing number of prospective students who are an academic and mission fit. Supporting an exceptional faculty also allows students to benefit from the integrity of the classroom experience that is led by professors rather than graduate assistants.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $ 12500.00

  • - $ 4600.00

  • - $ 1000.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 5000.00

  • - $ 2000.00

  • - $ 4600.00

  • - $ 500.00

  • - $ 600.00

  • - $ 50.00